About Me

I obtained my PhD from Sorbonne University under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Fuster and Prof. Stephane Zaleski . My research focuses on the development of numerical methods for multi-phase flows using Basilisk and to study complex fluid dynamics phenomenon.

Contact Details

Mandeep Saini
Room 105, Meander building
Enschede, 7522LW NL


Sorbonne University

Doctor of Philosophy 2022

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Master of technology - Mechanical Engineering 2019

National Institute of Technology Hamirpur

Bachelor of technology - Mechanical Engineering 2016



University of Twente (Physics of Fluids group) April 2022 - Present

Research Engineer

Sorbonne Universite January 2022 - March 2022

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Research articles

Saini Mandeep, Tanne Erwan, Arrigoni Michel, Zaleski Stephane and Fuster Daniel (2022) "On the dynamics of a collapsing bubble in contact with a rigid wall." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 948 : A45. DOI arXiv

Saini Mandeep, Saade Youssef, Fuster Daniel, Lohse Detlef (2024). "Finite speed of sound effects on asymmetry in multibubble cavitation." Physical Review Fluids, 9(4), 043602. DOI arXiv

Saini Mandeep, Chen Xiangbin, Zaleski St{\'e}phane and Fuster Daniel (2024). "Direct numerical simulations of microlayer formation during heterogeneous bubble nucleation." Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 984, A70. DOI arXiv

Saini Mandeep, Prouvost Lucas, Popinet St{\'e}phane and Fuster Daniel (2024). "A Review of the Accuracy of Direct Numerical Simulation Tools for the Simulation of Non-Spherical Bubble Collapses." Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 1-23. DOI arXiv


  • Our three papers from my PhD work got accepted in JIISC, PRF and JFM, will be online soon.

  • Attending the CISM course on Drops, Jets and Films in Udine.

  • Attending JMBC Symposium in may 2024.

  • Our PRF paper got Editor's suggestion.

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